Please use the Forms below to Download for your Child or Children to placed on the Holiday or waiting list and also an initial enquiry Form.
Please Email them back to me and I will contact you...!
The Care Inspectorate is the regulatory body for the inspection of childcare provisions in Scotland. All childminders must register with The Care Inspectorate before they can provide care for children.
My registration allows me to care for a maximum of 6 children at any one time, of whom no more than three are not yet attending primary school, and no more than one is under 1. I can care for 6 children aged between 5 years old and sixteen years old at one time.
You can also find further details regarding my registration and latest inspection on the Care Inspectorate website: Welcome to the Care Inspectorate
As per Care Inspectorate requirements and the Scottish Government guidelines I adopt the Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach, and the eight SHANARRI wellbeing indicators. (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included.) I keep personal care plans and wellbeing records for every child to ensure I am meeting each of these indicators and providing the best possible care.
Now a Early Learning and Childcare provider.
Partnered with Comhaile Nan Eilean Siar